County plans record road resurfacing and repairs in 2022

BATAVIA, OH — The Clermont County Engineer’s Office will nearly triple resurfacing and repair of roads in 2022 thanks to a commitment of $4 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds by the Board of County Commissioners. This will be the largest road improvement program in county history, with resurfacing of 45 county roads and repairing of 18.

Commissioners on Feb. 23 approved the Engineer’s request to advertise for bids for the 2022 Road Resurfacing Program. Bids will be received until 2 p.m. March 17.

Doug Royer of the Engineer’s Office told commissioners that estimated construction cost is $7.6 million. If you take out costs covered by several townships and villages, the Engineer’s share is $6.2 million for county roads – well above that of previous years, thanks to the ARPA funds.

A full list of proposed 2022 road resurfacing and repairing projects will be available on the Engineer’s Office website next week: