Economic Development — Spring 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to the new Community + Economic Development Newsletter!

In late 2021, the Community + Economic Development Department conducted a survey in Clermont County as we develop our strategic and comprehensive plan for the next decade. One of the items that respondents said they wanted to see from our department was more communication and a return to the newsletter. It has been many years since this department’s last newsletter, and we want to make sure that the information in it is relevant and helpful to you.

We hope that you have seen the progress that Nestlé Purina is making at the South Afton site in Williamsburg Township. We hope it will be online and operational hopefully later this year.

Also, Hamilton Safe will be having a ribbon-cutting later in April as their move into a larger facility on Round Bottom Road in Union Township will encourage current and future growth.

TQL is expanding their Ivy Point campus in Union Township as well as other regional expansions in Miami Township, West Chester and Northern Kentucky.

Please check out what we are doing with our Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) visits to meet the needs of employers. You will also find out GIS functionality that you may not have known about before, guidance that we need from you regarding solar and wind farms, and a CDBG update.

We are inviting township, village and city officials to our inaugural Economic Development Roundtable so that our communities can learn more about economic development tools available to them and network with other local development officials.

Finally, please have a look at our new BR&E video posted below. We have posted this on social media, our YouTube channel and will show it at our new BR&E format sessions.

Thank you for taking the time to read what is happening in development here in Clermont, and I hope you find this information helpful and useful.

Michael McNamara, Director
Department of Community + Economic Development

Welcome to our new GIS Analyst, and we’re hiring!

Our department will be welcoming Ryan Kent in our GIS Division. Ryan has an extensive GIS background and we are glad he is joining our team.

We are hiring.

The Building Division currently has positions open for a Permit Specialist and a Building Inspector 1 or 2.
These positions will remain open until filled.

You can apply by clicking this link

Solar and wind farms (updated 4/22/22)

Due to scheduling conflicts, we have to cancel the April 29, 2022 SB 59 wind and solar informational event.

We will bring the event back at a later time and will let all interested parties know of the new date. All parties will be notified of the cancellation.

NEW format for Business Retention & Expansion visits

The Department of Community & Economic Development is implementing an exciting new format for future business retention and expansion visits, in an effort to reach more businesses every year. DCED is developing a group BR&E format, to run in conjunction with the traditional one-on-one visit program, with the first visit scheduled with Miami Township’s business community in April.

Rather than meeting with one business at a time, the department hopes to bring together a small group of business owners from a shared township, village, or city, with representatives from local government and economic development agencies, for a roundtable discussion of all things business. Company representatives can provide feedback, illuminate concerns, or present questions to the various community stakeholders in attendance, so that the local business climate can be better understood and better served. We believe this format will provide an experience that is educational, collaborative, and efficient, allowing our department to continue to improve the county’s business environment with targeted initiatives and outreach.

Our first BR&E session will be April 11, in Miami Township.

If you want to schedule your community for a BR&E visit, please contact Scott Gafvert, Development Specialist, at

Community Development Update
  • The Community Development Department administers around $1 million in CDBG funds from HUD to assist low and moderate income areas and people in Clermont County. The Board of Commissioners awards these funds annually to help with projects in our Cities, Townships, Villages, and non-profits. Our office works year round with recipients of these grants to help them apply and to make projects successful.
  • Our department is also active in applying for other state and federal grants that fit into our mission of assisting in development. We have identified a lack of Electric Vehicle Charging stations currently in the county. Almost $1.6 million in grants from Ohio EPA to install electric vehicle level 3 fast charging stations on county owned properties has been applied for in 2022. Announcements of awards will be made in Spring 2022 and if awarded these stations will be available to all residents and visitors to our area 24 hours a day for charging at a nominal rate.
  • Local governments many times have limited staff and funds. Our department is helping local townships and village access $500 million allocated from the Ohio Department of Development for cleanup of brownfields and demolition of vacant commercial and residential buildings.
  • The new Clermont County Land Bank will be administered from our department to assist in accessing these funds and assist with demolition and revitalization of vacant and abandoned properties.